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联系人:Christopher Yee: cyee@reginahsrunway.com 

LA’s 现金娱乐网注册less Response Leaders Unite to Address Unsheltered 现金娱乐网注册lessness as 无家可归的数 Rises 

新 leadership at LA City, LA County, and 现金娱乐网注册 are taking bold steps to address street homelessness. 

LOS ANGELES – The 2023 Greater Los Angeles 无家可归的数 results were released today, showing a 9% rise in homelessness on any given night in Los Angeles County to an estimated 75,518人死亡,洛杉矶的死亡人数增加了10%,估计达到46人,260人. While this year’s increases are slightly lower than previous year-over-year increases in the homeless count, they continue a steady growth trend of people experiencing homelessness in the annual Point-in-Time Count (PIT Count).  

L的上升.A. County’s homeless population coincides with increases in major cities across the United States. 芝加哥和波特兰的增幅达到两位数(分别为+57%和+20%)。, while several Southern California counties experienced increases larger than Los Angeles, 包括圣贝纳迪诺(上涨26%), 圣地亚哥(+22%), 克恩(+ 22%), 河滨(Riverside)上涨12%.  

而在临时住房中无家可归的人数则稳定在20人,363, the rise in the number of people experiencing unsheltered homelessness coincided with the overall increase in the PIT Count.  

“The homeless count results tell us what we already know — that we have a crisis on our streets, 而且情况越来越糟,”医生说。. Va Lecia 亚当斯Kellum, 洛杉矶无家可归者服务管理局(现金娱乐网注册)首席执行官. “今天最重要的是,这是第一次, 这个城市, 县, 和现金娱乐网注册正在紧急行动,为住在街上的人提供住所.” 

现金娱乐网注册发布会上, 市长卡伦·巴斯, 主管(和现金娱乐网注册专员)林赛·霍瓦特, and Chair Wendy Greuel representing the 现金娱乐网注册 Commission joined 现金娱乐网注册’s new CEO Dr. 亚当斯Kellum and discussed how they are working together to address unsheltered homelessness.  

“我们需要合作和协调,以结束无家可归者. 在过去, 当我们为特定人群设定目标并投入资源时, 喜欢退伍军人, 我们看到数字下降了. We need to apply that mindset to addressing unsheltered homelessness 县wide,” continued Dr. 亚当斯Kellum. “我们都致力于解决街头无家可归的问题. 我们早期的努力已经取得了成功, but we need to work together to scale them enough to address this humanitarian crisis.” 

现金娱乐网注册 recently released data showing that improvements brought about by several emergency declarations made in L.A. City and County have decreased the time it takes to move someone from the street to interim housing. 现金娱乐网注册已将成年人的时间表缩短至61天, 比2021年初的110下降了近一半. 现金娱乐网注册 has seen an even stronger improvement with the transition-aged youth (TAY) population, 哪里的时间减少了50%以上, 从127天减到59天. 不仅是广告投放速度更快, but they are also happening more often — the data shows that these improvements coincide with a nearly 30% increase in interim housing placements.  

To ensure 现金娱乐网注册 continues to make systemic improvements to address unsheltered homelessness faster, Dr. 亚当斯Kellum announced the formation of a Multi-Department Crisis Response Team (MDCRT). The MDCRT will internally position 现金娱乐网注册 to better partner with the City and County to implement policies that will reduce unsheltered homelessness, 像master和batch租赁, 扩大租赁流程, 扩大住房导航, 确保无家可归者准备好文件. The MDCRT can potentially cut the number of days it takes to move someone inside down to the tens.  

本月初, 巴斯市长宣布,在她上任的头六个月里, 超过14,000人从洛杉矶搬走.A.’s streets to interim or permanent housing, with over 4,300 obtaining permanent housing. More than 1,300 of those placements came through the mayor’s Inside Safe program. The homeless count was conducted before Inside Safe began operating at full capacity. Mayor Bass stated that the numbers reinforce the reality that more work to end unsheltered homelessness lies ahead. 

“1月份收集的数据反映了我们城市面临的危机. The challenge before us is vast but we will continue to work with urgency to bring Angelenos inside. 我要感谢布朗博士. 亚当斯Kellum和现金娱乐网注册团队提供了这个评估. We must sustain our momentum by locking arms with leaders at every level of government as we confront this crisis as the emergency that it is. 生命取决于它.” The County of Los Angeles also declared a state of emergency in early 2023 and is working to launch efforts to end unsheltered homelessness in areas outside of Los Angeles.  

“Today’s announcement confirms why we are in a state of emergency: more Angelenos continue falling into homelessness than we are able to house,洛杉矶县监事林赛·P. 霍法. “过去六个月, we have proven that our unified approach is connecting more people to housing and services. Now we must address the root causes of homelessness by investing in families; working to make housing more affordable; and, 最重要的是, 让人们呆在他们已经称之为家的地方.” 

而L.A.美国的无家可归应对领导人共同努力,结束街头无家可归现象, they all agree that more must be done to address the root causes of homelessness. A recent study by UC San Francisco’s Benioff 现金娱乐网注册lessness and Housing Initiative cited unaffordable rents as the leading cause of homelessness among Californians, with half of the study participants saying they received a five-day or fewer warning before losing their homes. 

“今年无家可归者的增加是国家和地区趋势的一部分, suggesting that the sustained housing crisis and the end of COVID safety net protections have had an effect,温迪·格罗伊尔说, 洛杉矶无家可归者服务委员会主席. “The good news is that Los Angeles now has the leadership necessary to buck this trend. 我同意瓦格纳委员的意见, 钦奇利亚, 佩雷斯, 桑德斯, 包, 皮尔森, and Muro stand with Mayor Bass and Supervisor 霍法 in our belief that we need to address the core causes of homelessness. 我们需要投资更多的住房. 我们需要在所有系统中扩大预防.” 

市和县正在计划创造大约8个,今年有200套经济适用房, 但所有领导人都承认需要更多经济适用房. 他们指出了Measure ULA和即将到来的L.A. County Affordable Housing Solutions Agency (LACAHSA) as mechanisms that can potentially help people stay in their homes and increase affordable housing development. Mayor Bass also touted her efforts to speed up the development process for affordable housing within Los Angeles.  

An increase in affordable housing could help increase the number of annual permanent housing placements. 现金娱乐网注册 reported that, in coordination with its partners, it made 22,540 placements in 2022. 这是H措施实施以来连续第五年, 无家可归者安置系统做了20多件,1万个永久性房屋安置名额.  

